What is TUPN?

The UP Network is a members organisation that groups together highflying executives and individuals that meet regularly in local Circles; We meet to learn, grow and be challenged, supported by an online platform called The UP Network.

You can join the UP Network online and access a network of peers around the world. You can upgrade your membership to join the Inner Circles, which significantly ramps up your performance and growth through regular on-location meetings in small groups, attend events and activities in your region.


Is it for me?

If you feel that you have untapped potential, aren't living the career you feel you could achieve, or aspire to grow yourself or your role/business, then TUPN is for you. If you simply want to meet up with other executives or professionals just to network or 'sell' your services, then it isn't for you.


TUPN Inner Circle vs Online Network

TUPN Inner Circle (IC) is our face to face programme designed to accellerate growth of high performers or those that want to raise their game. It includes physical meetings, speaker sessions, retreats and activities, as well as access to the Online Network.

YUPN Online is an online community where discussions, learning and networking take place in a virtual space across the planet. The Online Network as thematic Circles, to zone in on areas of interest (such as Career, Wellness, Development Tools, Book Club, etc). You can subscribe to The Network directly, without being an Inner Circle member.


How much does membership cost?

Membership costs vary by location and by member tiers. Membership covers the cost of the facilities, the coach or speaker, the communication tools and the outreach we do to connect with other organisations that add value to our members.

Membership cost varies between €100 and €5,000 per annum depending on your Circle. The cheapest entry-level membership is the Online Network of TUPN Community. The most expensive is TUPN Inner Circle, which includes face to face peer meetings, speakers & retreats, where prices vary according to region.


What do I get for my Inner Circle membership?

The value of your membership ROI is varied, and for some it will be different than for others - depending on why you join. 

Speaker Sessions are thought leadership workshops that bring new insights into the groups that are focussed on raising the member's personal and executive performance.

Seasoned Coach is present and runs all meetings, ensuring every member has a voice and an opportunity to share their views and ask for support. Sessions discussions are fully confidential.

Powerful Network extends beyond the chapter you join (and stay in); our events - both physical and online - allow you to connect with like minded peers who are on a similar growth path as you.

Activies, including outdoor challenges, overseas trips, retreats, business events and social gatherings are all accessible to our members, either as an extra cost or part of a higher tier of membership.

Online Circle  is a rich resource for learning, communication and networking on a global level. (included in Inner Circle membershhip but can be purchased separately)


How often do Inner Circle groups meet?

The Inner Circle meetings vary by location and even individual coach. Some meet monthly for a couple of hours before or after work, while others meet once a quarter for a full day, during working hours. The Inner Circles also meet virtually on the Network in between meetings, attend social gatherings and retreats.


Can I join IC meetings remotely?

No. We may make exceptions if a member is traveling, however the value of being in the room makes it well worth planning travel around the dates of your meeting, which are set a year in advance.


Can choose my IC group?

No. We assign you to a group based on your location, and insights we get from the initial interview with you. However if there is a conflict of interest in the group you are assigned to, you can request to move.


Can I cancel my membership?

IC Membership commitment is for a year, paid in advance - and you cannot 'try before you buy'. Some open sessions will be organised from time to time, to get a feel for how the sessions work, however these may not coincide with when you want to join. If there are valid reasons you need to cancel, such as emigrating or serious health issues, we will cancel your membership and refund you the difference. Simply not turning up for sessions does not entitle you to a refund.

The TUPN (online subscription) can be cancelled at any time.


How do I join?

If you are interested, contact us through this website or email [email protected] and we will set up an appointment/interview. This will ensure we are a mutual 'fit' for each other so you are sure to get value and ROI from joining. You then fill in the forms and pay the membership, before your first meeting. 

To Join the TUPN Circle and become part of the online community, sign up here.


Who is behind TUPN?

The UP team are seasoned business leaders, coaches, speakers and executives that have helped thousands of individuals raise their game in business and life.

International corporate clients include KPMG, Microsoft, HSBC, Fujifilm, Abbott Medical, Tradeling, EC English, Belmond Group, as well as local firms including Bank of Valletta, Shireburn, Airmalta, Demajo Group and many others.

Founded by Nathan Farrugia, the content of the sessions is built around the FIRE methodologies, proven to raise the level of mental strength, resilience, decision making and impact in organisations and individuals.

UP Ltd (Malta) and Level UP LLC (UAE) are also licensees for VISTAGE, which is a peer group for 45,000 CEOs and Business owners in 35 countries - so we really know how to run peer groups!